The Rochester Prep Difference

We love learning and strive to give our students an exciting and engaging experience. The Rochester Prep community is a community where students feel loved and nurtured so they can be their best each and every day.

Free and Open Enrollment

Our K-12 public charter schools are free to attend, and enrollment is open to all Rochester families.

15 Years

Rochester Prep has been providing Rochester students with quality education since 2006.

Safe and Supportive

Our teachers and staff provide students with the best learning experience for success.

Uncommon's Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Ready to begin your Rochester Prep journey?
Atendendo às séries K-12 em Rochester, NY

7 Free Public Schools

Our schools have a shared mission to prepare all student to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college. We currently have schools in the following Rochester neighborhoods: 19th Ward, Dutchtown, Group 14621, and Maplewood.

Explore Our Schools

Saiba como se inscrever

Nossas escolas públicas gratuitas estão abertas a todos os residentes de Rochester, sem critérios de seleção ou taxas de inscrição. Participamos do GoodSchoolsRoc, o processo de inscrição para todas as escolas públicas independentes de Rochester. Saiba mais sobre a matrícula de seu filho e envie sua inscrição hoje mesmo!


Rochester Prep nas notícias
